Well, I can consider myself lucky since this the first time such activity being organized by the company. And I have just joined them 3 months ago; technically I'm still under probation but still everyone was invited for Happy Hours with 'big family' last night. It was a real 'HAPPY HOUR' at a place called Overtime Lifestyrle Center which is actually a cafe cum pub with life-band thing going on. Would you have guessed from the name that it was a pub? I was thinking maybe some nice quite place with good food. Boy was I in for a shocker! The moment I stepped into the place, everyone was trying to push a beer into my hand and going YAM SENG!Cheers!...errr...I can only go 'I don't drink beer?' with a blank face. The statement returned with an equal blank face and 'What are you talking about?Get one and CHEERSS!!'. Thank god, I had Wani & Kanchanah later joined by Putra, Hafiz & Anuar so all of us ended up having Coke on the Rocks=P. Later, unsatisfied we are not having beers, someone insisted handing us(Kanchanah and me only) a glass of beer. So it happens, all night long we had the same glass cheering with everyone and pouring them to another colleague's glass when noone's looking. Couldn't escape the vodka though! Anyway, it was fun especially because I got to talk to many of my colleague who at normal hours are too busy even to look up from their monitors. Jolly good fun actually!
Speaking of 2025
1 week ago
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