Monday, May 3, 2010

That particular song...

There's a famous song that I should logically enjoy listening to. For some bizarre reason, every time the song plays anywhere, anytime, my mind conjures image of someone. Obviously someone whose image I rather not conjure at all, anywhere and anytime. But, how do I stop it? My maniac brain still associates the freaking song to this particular someone. Every time the image conjured, I end up imagining million different ways of destroying the image. For example, a ninja slashing it to shreds(sometimes the image runs  away with  just spongebob squarepants boxers) or a dragon breathing fire (smoked black with sparkling teeth) or shark biting the image right on the butt, feeding it 2 piranhas (yummy yummy), not enough add in some superheroes, latest being Ironman or the Powepuff girls, maybe something classic Thunderbirds?Too much cartoon for a 25 year old? Got any better idea? How about some gore & bloodsheds. Freddy Kueger may be? Sometimes, the end result is so freaking funny, I end up grinning that more than once someone  had asked me 'what's wrong?' with a weird expression. Could have come to the conculsion, I might be crazy. Another question to ponder, why what's wrong, why what's not wrong about me smilling? Smiling too is wrong? Hah!whose crazy now?=P

How is it possible that one of your most liked thing can be directly associated to your least liked thing. Brain sometimes you are so unfair!


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